Friday, November 18, 2016

How to Install Sweet Home 3D 5.3 on Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10

Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that helps you draw the plan of your house, arrange furniture on it and visit the results in 3D.  The latest Sweet Home 3D 5.3 was released on November 16, 2016 with various improvements and corrections.

Sweet Home 3D 5.3 Changelog:
  •     Ensured that the selected items are visible in the plan after using Zoom in or Zoom out tools.
  •     Changed how textures on borders of room floors are displayed so they never look distorted.
  •     Displayed walls with half transparent pattern while drawing them or while placing doors and windows, when a background image is used.
  •     Initialized the scale and origin of background images imported at new levels with the values of the background image available at the closest level.
  •     Improved the mouse management of the virtual visitor in plan at small scales.
  •     Added a Home.xml entry validated by the DTD SweetHome3D.dtd to SH3D files, and added file association for future SH3X files.
  •     Added HomeObject super class to let developers manage their own properties on home objects.
  •     Copied texture image files at OBJ format export instead of generating new ones.
  •     Fixed the area computation of rooms drawn with a hole in their middle.
  •     Fixed blocking errors that happened for textured floors in the plan with Java 7/8 under Ubuntu.
  •     Fixed the color of menu items under Ubuntu and better drag and drop support under Linux using Java 8.
  •     Upgraded Java 3D version to 1.6.0 fcs / JOGL 2.3.2 for Windows and Linux versions, and for the Mac OS X version run with Java 7/8.
  •     Displayed Java 3D version in About dialog box.
  •     Added Sweet Home 3D icon in installation folder under Linux.
  •     Replaced JRE 8u74 by JRE 8u51 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Windows.
  •     Replaced JRE 6u45 by JRE 8u112 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Linux.
  •     Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.
Installation instructions:

Open terminal and insert command line...

32Bit OS
$ wget

$ tar -zxvf SweetHome3D-5.3-linux-x86.tgz

$ sudo mv SweetHome3D-5.3 /opt/

64Bit OS
$ wget

$ tar -zxvf SweetHome3D-5.3-linux-x64.tgz

$ sudo mv SweetHome3D-5.3 /opt/

If everything goes OK. Let’s create a launcher for it so that you can start it from Unity Dash or Launcher.

Open terminal and insert command line...

$ sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/sweethome3d-5.3.desktop

Paste below content into the file and save it.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sweet Home 3D 5.3
GenericName=Interior 2D design application with 3D preview
Comment=Interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user with a 3D preview

You may grab a logo icon from web. Name it sweethome3d.png and put it under /usr/share/icons/. or copy sweethome3d.png in folder SweetHome3D-5.3
put it under /usr/share/icons/.


  1. For your information, SweetHome3DIcon.png icon is included in the download from version 5.3.

    1. How To Install Program On Ubuntu: How To Install Sweet Home 3D 5.3 On Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10 >>>>> Download Now

      >>>>> Download Full

      How To Install Program On Ubuntu: How To Install Sweet Home 3D 5.3 On Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10 >>>>> Download LINK

      >>>>> Download Now

      How To Install Program On Ubuntu: How To Install Sweet Home 3D 5.3 On Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10 >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK VN

  2. Replies
    1. tar -zxvf SweetHome3D-5.3-linux-x64.tgz
      cd SweetHome3D-5.3
      sudo cp sweethome3d.png /usr/share/icons/

    2. the real name is SweetHome3DIcon.png
      if you copy it on usr/share/icons/ you have to renamed it or used SweetHome3DIcon.png on sweethome3d-5.n.desktop entry ...
      or just use this entry : Icon=/opt/SweetHome3D-5.4/SweetHome3DIcon.png without copying ;-)

  3. i am only able to run from terminal. The above will not work for me. I am using Ubuntu-MATE 16.04

    1. $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb xenial-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'

      $ wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

      $ sudo apt-get update

      $ sudo apt-get install sweethome3d

  4. Thanks a lot for your instructions. Have a happy day.

  5. semoga bermanfaat bagi anda yang sedang belajar sweethome 3D. Saya juga masih belajar jadi jadi apabila masih banyak kekurangan tolong dimaklumi kalau bisa diberi saran juga yang benar bagiaman , terimakasih. Demir Leather

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Can you please tell me how to completely remove HomeSweet3D if you use this method i.e.
    $ wget

    $ tar -zxvf SweetHome3D-5.3-linux-x64.tgz

    $ sudo mv SweetHome3D-5.3 /opt/

    $ /opt/SweetHome3D-5.3/SweetHome3D

  9. requests password. what is the password?

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  15. How To Install Program On Ubuntu: How To Install Sweet Home 3D 5.3 On Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10 >>>>> Download Now

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    How To Install Program On Ubuntu: How To Install Sweet Home 3D 5.3 On Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10 >>>>> Download LINK

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    How To Install Program On Ubuntu: How To Install Sweet Home 3D 5.3 On Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10 >>>>> Download Full

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